Animals – Állatok – Angol témakörök

Dog, cat, horse, bird … snake, earthworm … whale, seal … eagle, owl … ladybird and many more!
Dog, cat, horse, bird … snake, earthworm … whale, seal … eagle, owl … ladybird and many more!
How do you spend a day? Hogyan töltesz egy napot?
Szabadidő: free time / spare time / leisure time
Watching TV, listening to the radio, going on a trip, going for a walk and so on.
A ház és a lakás részei angolul.
Here you can find lots of words in connection with astronomy: celestial objects, planets, stars and so on.
Az almától a fügéig, az uborkától a póréhagymáig sorra veszünk mindent, amit csak lehet.
In this section we deal with the parts of the human body. However we are no professors of anatomy we try to mention all the important parts of the body.
Külső és belső tulajdonságok angolul. Tolerant, creative, ambitious and so on.
It’s cold. It’s warm. It’s windy. The sun is shining. Snowflakes, rainbow, thunderstorm, seasons and a lot more.
Father, mother, brother, sister, nephew, niece, brother-in-law, son-in-law. Marital status, problems and other words